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What We Do


Questions that Excite Us

Environmental stimuli orchestrate adaptive behaviors, cognition, and physiological functions in healthy individuals. Drug-associated environmental stimuli trigger intense drug-related memories, precipitate drug craving, and increase the probability of drug relapse. Research in our laboratory focuses on understanding the neural underpinnings of drug-memory maintenance and cocaine-, heroin-, and cannabis-seeking behaviors. Our long-term goal is to make basic science discoveries that inform the development of treatment strategies that promote

Research Support

Our lab has been fortunate to have received continuous funding from the National Institutes of Health since 2005. We are grateful for this support!​

Current funding: NIDA R01 DA025646/6-10 (PI: Fuchs), State of Washington through the WSU Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research Program (Graduate student PI: Ritchie)​

Past funding: NIDA R01 DA25646/1-5 (PI: Fuchs), NIDA F31 DA045430 (Graduate Student PI: Higgibotham), NIDA R01 DA034721 (PI/PD: Lysle; PI: Fuchs), NIDA K99 DA037271 (Postdoc PI: Arguello), NIDA R21 DA036660 (PI/PD: Fuchs; co-PI: Xie), NIDA F31 DA034391 (Graduate student PI: Wells), NIDA R01 DA025617 (multi-PI; PI/PD: Baker; PI: Fuchs), NIDA R01 DA025667 (PI/PD: Lysle; co-PI: Fuchs), NIDA F31 DA028051 (Graduate student PI: Lasseter), NIDA R01 DA017673 (PI: Fuchs)

Research: Research
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